Monday, 25 November 2013

Preliminary Task

In today's lesson (Monday 25th) we began filming our prelim task, in the beginning we had creative differences as non of us quite knew what we wanted to accomplish in the two hours we had allocated to work. In the first our we start putting our ideas together coming up with the idea for our scene then working the dialogue around it. In the first our we had difficulty finding an empty class room that we could use to film in but we overcame this by waiting until the second hour and seeing which class rooms were empty, once we were in our room we started setting up the equipment that consisted of lighting stand and a Nikon camera, in the beginning of the filming we had difficulty deciding on a suitable camera angle as the lighting we used would leave a spotlight mark on the whiteboard that we were using for our scene. To overcome this we moved the lighting to different areas and turned down the brightness so that it wouldn't interfere with how the shot was going to be used. When we actually began filming it went smoothly as we only had to re-shoot a few parts to our scene because of different incidents.