Tuesday 4 February 2014

Planning Part Three: Filming Schedule

My group had written up a filming schedule with the dates that we would have liked to have filmed on, however these dates did not happen due to different reasons including the battery dying on the camera which we will make sure next time to bring a spare battery with us and missing members of the group.

We had decided who we were going to have as our actors in the thriller as we had asked some college friends if they would be happy to do the filming for us on these dates, we had Paige Richmond, James Cox, Boston O'Grady and Georgia Gray as our actors however if these people were not available we would have back up people to do feature in the thriller for us.

For the costumes we decided that we wanted our actors in their everyday clothing that they would usually wear to college as we wanted it to look as natural as possible as their characters are college students so having the actors in there normal clothes will save time in costume changes but also gives us the problem if we need to re-shoot a scene they will not be wearing the same outfit.

For location we already had a location we wanted to use that was an abandoned building close to the college which gave off a creepy vibe, we thought this would be a good location to film because of the thriller aspect it has but we also wanted to go to take some pictures of the area to evaluate later.

We had minimal props to use in our filming and were only used for the sounds for example a stick snapping and a brick falling, we did not have any props in the scenes we were filming as they were not needed.

Our time management included making sure we had everything planned before we go out to film so that we know what we are going to do when we go so we don't waste time.

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